Exporting and Importing Alarms with Movicon HMI Editor
Application Note Summary

                          HMI:    SmartPanel or PanelPC
           HMI Software:    Movicon 11.6
Third Party Software:    VNC Viewer 6.20.113

HMI Software Link:  https://www.yaskawa.com/movicon

Application Note Contents

Implementation for exporting alarms to CSV files:

Note: The Exporter will create two CSV files with the alarms and thresholds suffixes respectively. For example:


Follow the steps below:

  1. Open Movicon Software with a previously created project.
  2. From Menu Bar, click Tools > ‘CSV Alarm Importer-Exporter’.

  3. VERY IMPORTANT: Click on the ‘Options’ button and change the ‘Select the column separator’ to the comma ‘,’ and click OK.

  4. Click Export.

  5. Click on the ‘’ button on the right within the ‘File Selection for Export’.

  6. Locate the project and the ‘.movalr’ file to export and click ‘Open’.

  7. Next click the bottom right ‘’ button to create the two files with _alarms and _thresholds suffixes.

  8. Type in a name for the alarms and click ‘Open’: Example: SingleAxis7_Demo_001

  9. Click ‘Next’.

  10. Click on ‘Select all alarms’, then ‘Finish’ (won't be greyed out).

  11. Click 'Export', then 'Exit'.

  12. Within the project directory on the PC, find the following ‘.csv’ files and open to view them.

  13. Two alarm files were created:
    • Singleaxis7_demo_001_alarms file

    • Singleaxis7_demo_001_thresholds file

For implementation on importing alarms from CSV files into Movicon, follow the above directions but reverse the steps to import.

Product Types
MP3300iec, MP3200iec, MP2600iec, Sigma-7Siec - Controller, SGDV,
All Applications
Advanced Random Rotary Knife with Cam Blend, Air Compressor, Blister pack Thermoformer, Cartoner, Centrifuge, Conveyor, Crane/Hoist, Dynamometer, Elevators and Escalators, Extrusion, Fans/Blowers, Feed To Length, General Machinery, HVAC, Irrigation, Labeler, Laundry, Linear Flying Shear, Machine Tool, Mixer, Other, Packaging, Palletizer, Precision Grinding, Pump, Punch Press, Rotary Knife, Rotary Placer, Rotary Table Indexer, Screw Feeder, Semiconductor, Solar Cell Tabbing and Bussing, Solar - Textured Etching, Synch-Belt, Textile, Winding,
Option Types
Movicon HMI Editor,
Last Modified Date: 07-22-2024ID: 13394