Determining Servopack Status from the Display
Topic Description

One of the ways to determine the status of a servopack is to view the display


The SERVOPACK statuses displayed on the front of the drive are listed below.  The display size will vary depending on SERVOPACK model. Below are details for the Analog/Pulse model.  Refer to the relevant product's user's manual for full details.

 (Analog Drive Display example) Displayed as "bb" which is also known as baseblock. (Commonly mistaken for 66)
 (Bit data) or    (Code)

Displayed as "-" or "bb" which is a status of no output to the motor found all other drives.This status indicates that the servopack is NOT in the output state.

(Code) Displayed as "Hbb" which is hardware base block. This is a hard wired trip wired of the dedicated safety terminal on the CN8 input.
(Bit Data)

Control Power is applied at the control terminals (Example: L1C, L2C).

(Bit Data) Main Power is applied for the servo amplifier (Example: L1, L2, L3).
(Bit Data)

This is for rotation detection (TGON).

(Bit Data) Speed or position reference input is detected and being sent external of the servopack. (Only in speed or position mode)
(Bit Data) Torque reference input is detected and being sent external of the servopack. (Only in Torque mode)
or (Code) Positive or Negative Overtravels (direction prohibit) are detected as tripped and need to be checked or programmed out if not being used.
(Bit Data)

Servo motor is within the commanded position window (COIN). An Alarm will display A.XXX and can be found in the respective servo pack user manual. 



Product Types
SGD7S Analog, SGD7S EtherCAT, SGDV, SGD7S Mechatrolink-III, Sigma-7Siec - Servopack, SGD7W EtherCAT, SGD7W Mechatrolink-III, SigmaLogic7 Compact, SigmaLogic7 Modbus, SGD7S EtherCAT with FSoE,
All Applications
Advanced Random Rotary Knife with Cam Blend, Air Compressor, Blister pack Thermoformer, Cartoner, Centrifuge, Conveyor, Crane/Hoist, Dynamometer, Elevators and Escalators, Extrusion, Fans/Blowers, Feed To Length, General Machinery, HVAC, Irrigation, Labeler, Laundry, Linear Flying Shear, Machine Tool, Mixer, Other, Packaging, Palletizer, Precision Grinding, Pump, Punch Press, Rotary Knife, Rotary Placer, Rotary Table Indexer, Screw Feeder, Synch-Belt, Textile, Winding,
Last Modified Date: 10-16-2024ID: 12676