Troubleshooting an oFA00 Fault
Topic Description

An oFA00 fault or "Option Card Connection Error" is related to an option card connected to port CN5-A.

  • Note: The option port on HV600, HV600 Bypass, Z1000, Z1000 Bypass, P1000 Bypass, and V1000 drives is labeled "CN5".


Follow the steps below when troubleshooting an oFA00 fault:

Note: Refer to the appropriate drive technical manual for the location of the CN5-A port.

  1. Remove power to the drive.
    • Caution: It is recommended to verify that 10VDC or less is present on the DC bus before performing any service work.
  2. Remove the front cover and confirm an option card is connected to port CN5-A.
    • If an option card is present, proceed to step 3.
    • If an option card is not present, remove all control wiring and leave power off for 15-20 minutes. Re-apply power, and if the oFA00 fault is present, replace the control board.
  3. Confirm the option card installed in port CN5-A is compatible with the drive. Refer to documents:
  4. Confirm the option card is installed in the correct option port.
  5. Re-seat the option card by physically removing it from the connector and reattaching it. Apply power to the drive. If the oFA00 fault remains, proceed to step 6.
  6. Re-initialize the drive by setting A1-03 = 2220. Be sure to write down or backup parameter settings.
  7. Cycle power to the drive and wait for the display to go blank. If the oFA00 fault remains, proceed to step 8.
  8. Remove power to the drive and remove the option card.
    • Caution: It is recommended to verify that 10VDC or less is present on the DC bus before performing any service work.
  9. Apply power.
    • If oFA00 remains without the option card connected, replace the control board.
    • If oFA00 is cleared, replace the option card.


Related Documents
Embedded Communications and Option Cards Compatibility for Yaskawa Drives
Input / Output (Analog or Digital) and 120V Option Card Compatibility for Yaskawa Drives
oFA00 on D1000 Regenerative Unit with Ethernet IP Communications
oFA00 on V1000 Drive when Installing SI-B3/V BACnet Option Card
Option Card Installation and Mounting Locations for 1000 Series Drives (with Video)

Product Types
FP605, GA800, GA800 Configured, GA500, HV600, HV600 Bypass, HV600 Configured, A1000, A1000 Configured, A1000 HHP, iQpump1000, iQpump1000 Bypass, iQpump1000 Configured, L1000, P1000, P1000 Configured, U1000 Industrial, U1000 iQpump, U1000 iQpump Configured, U1000L, U1000 Oil and Gas, Z1000, Z1000 Configured, Z1000U, Z1000U Bypass, Z1000U Configured,
All Applications
Advanced Random Rotary Knife with Cam Blend, Air Compressor, Blister pack Thermoformer, Cartoner, Centrifuge, Conveyor, Crane/Hoist, Dynamometer, Elevators and Escalators, Extrusion, Fans/Blowers, Feed To Length, General Machinery, HVAC, Irrigation, Labeler, Laundry, Linear Flying Shear, Machine Tool, Mixer, Other, Packaging, Palletizer, Precision Grinding, Pump, Punch Press, Rotary Knife, Rotary Placer, Rotary Table Indexer, Screw Feeder, Semiconductor, Solar Cell Tabbing and Bussing, Solar - Textured Etching, Synch-Belt, Textile, Winding,
Option Types
Communications, Custom Firmware, Feedback, Interface,
Last Modified Date: 10-16-2024ID: 12434